Gluten-Free on a stick with cheese

The adventures a gluten-intolerant food lover, or "How I Found Inner Peace"

Saturday, January 05, 2008

I've never been much of a Journal-Keeper.... I really need to try a little harder to post here from time to time.
First I want to say THANKS! to everyone who expressed concern about the lost doggy. We never did find him. We just try to fantasize about Dozer in his new home out on the farm, chasing rabbits and snoozing by the fire. I can't wrap my brain around anything more realistic in relation to his situation.
I am still maintaining my gluten-free lifestyle. I have ups and downs, as I imagine everyone does. For the most part, though I am healing. I did finally get tested. I chose to go through Entero-labs, because they have tests that you can take even after being gluten free for quite some time. I was positive, but the fat absorption test was good, which suggests I'm getting more benefit now from the food I eat.
One other piece of news: I have discovered CREPES!! This is a big discovery for a little ol country, hillbilly girl like me. When I was growing up there was cornbread, biscuits, tea cakes and the dreaded "store bread", which unfortunate children had to eat. It usually meant Momma was sick or had to work outside the home or go visit sickly kinfolks, and the eldest girl (me) was not yet allowed to work the stove alone.
For the celiac though, CREPES could become indispensable no matter how you were raised!
They are bendy enough to make sandwiches, and are good with both sweet and savory fillings and spreads. They can be folded or rolled up and taken along on trips, making gluten free food portable and neat to eat. They freeze well, empty or filled. And I just love em!
I will post my recipe and technique soon, along with a picture. You DO NOT need to buy the expensive kits and tools that are sold in kitchen stores to make good crepes. You probably already have everything you need right in your own little ol kitchen. You can make perfect crepes after just a little practice.
Another newsy thing: I want to post about my new local Celiac Support Group!! Isn't that exciting?!?!? A nice lady here in our small town, K.M., started it by putting an ad in the paper. I was the first to respond, and now there are about 5 of us! YAY!
Well I am going to go and make REJUVALAC right now... Curious? Well maybe I'll post about that soon, as it is Very good for you, celiac or not.
So, go forth and m m...just avoid gluten! Yeah! Awright!

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