Gluten-Free on a stick with cheese

The adventures a gluten-intolerant food lover, or "How I Found Inner Peace"

Monday, October 11, 2004

Tea Time at Littleville

I just sat down to have a glass of tea (Luzianne of course) here at Littleville, when -- what appeared before my wondering eyes but this link on the google page for BLOGSPOT!!!!! I have wanted a blog for so long!! I love reading other peoples' blogs. Their lives are so normal, sick, exciting, interesting, boring, crafty, or whatever. Pick an adjective. Anyway, so I set up a blog of my own. I hope it will prove to be a harmonious addition to your day. We all need a little harmony! (Can I get a HARMONY?!?!?) YEAH!
My life is pretty boring compared to what I've been reading on other blogs, but I hope you will bear with me as I try to learn this new bloggin thang.
What shall I write... Let's see... Will I always tell the truth?? Maybe not. I might spin a yarn or spill my guts. How will you (my loyal fans) know the difference? YOU WON'T THAT"S HOW! (maniacal laughter)
Will I put in pictures of myself?? Well I could, OR--- I could simply put in pictures of OTHER PEOPLE! and say they were me. It would seem more interesting that way at least. More fun too. You could all guess if it was the real me or someone else. Oh well since you all prolly have better things to do...
(HEY! My tea is getting watery, because this is so engaging I forget to drink it!! HAha I said 'engaging')
You won't believe what happened today... My whole neighborhood smelled like someone's DRYER!! Do you know what that smells like? Like those stinky dryer sheets, that's what. Yes for some reason the whole area around my house was so stunk up with the laundry smell you could hardly breathe!!! I had to close my windows for cryin out loud. (All you people who are livin up north, try not to gnash your teeth at the thought of me havin my windows open. It's just all this balmy weather here in the South that does it!) ANyway, I just wish everyone would keep their dryer smells to themselves. That's not too much to ask is it? I think not! My poor doggy had to come inside and sleep all day. She would have slept all day anyway probably, but she had to do it inside because of the dryer smell in the air outside today. Please, people everywhere--keep your dryer smell in your dryer.
Ok now on the INTERESTING stuff.
OK well there is no interesting stuff, sorry.
I painted today, that's good, just not interesting. Especially because all I painted was gray. Yes GRAY. Why gray, you ask? GOOD QUESTION! Well it's because I read in some artsy-fartsy MAGAZINE where all these BIG-WHEEL ARTISTS are paintin all their canvases GRAY, that's why. So I, bein the everlovin free-thinker I am decided to try it, Well I'll have to get back to you (my adoring public) on how it works out because all I had time to do was paint the gray paint all over the canvasses, and I never got around to actually paintin a actual PITCHER on one of em, because I came in here to have a glass of TEA, and what did I end up doin? BLOGGIN to all you people (my treasured readers) (who I LOVE) and THEN I never even got to DRINK my tea because of all this BLOGGIN goin on!!
Anyway, it's not really canvas (gotcha- see ya gotta lookout all the time around here!) It'a actually a piece of (should I reveal this to the world or keep it SECRET??) S-T-Y-R-A-F-O-A-M. Yes ladies and gennilmen, and also a PIECE OF ... some kind of board I bought at the home de pot. One piece has green chalkboard paint on the other side and one piece has glossy white on the other side. You see I actually bought them to paint on the side with the green chalkboard stuff and the white glossy stuff, but I decided the bigwheel artists in the artsy-fartsy magazine must know better than me, so I turned em over and painted em GRAY. Updates to come.
Ok this is kinda fun. It seems like no one at all will EVER read this off-scouring from my brain, so I can pretty much say whatever I want to, right? I think it will help me work out some junk that's been sittin up there in my dome bubbling and stinkin for some time.
Like the aforementioned magazines. Why do all the art magazines hafta use some language that nobody understands? Why can't they just talk so I can understand them? Well I'll TELL you why...wait I don't know. OK, and also why is it some guy can come along and pour out some crap on the floor that he scraped off his shoe and he gets a HUGE museum to put it in a HUGE room with nothing else but this crap from his shoe on the floor, and they even put it in all the papers and on the web and everybody from all around the world can come and look at it and all of a sudden he's like some wonderful artist type just because he scraped something off his shoe or something?
Well you all have a nice day, now and we'll get back together tomorrow for another episode of... "TALES FROM LITTLEVILLE"!!! when I will share with you (my reliable and loving constituency) some of the WEBSITES I like to visit!! OKAY!! YAY!! Be good now and we'll all have a nice visit to all my favorite places! I gotta go drink my tea...BYE
(Any and all comments/questions welcome, especially from artsy-fartsy types who have something to say about what I said. i aint skeered)


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